deu: schwanger

New Query

lexical categoryadjective
semantically relateddeu: erwartend
semantically relateddeu: gravid
semantically relateddeu: im [1.-9.] Monat
semantically relateddeu: trächtig
translationara: حامل
translationcat: embarassada
translationcat: prenyada
translationcat: prenys
translationeng: expecting
translationeng: pregnant
translationeng: with child
translationepo: graveda
translationfra: enceinte
translationhun: állapotos
translationita: gràvida
translationita: incinta
translationmlt: hobla
translationmlt: tqila
translationnld: zwanger
translationoci: prens
translationpol: być w ciąży
translationpor: grávida
translationrus: беременная
translationsmo: to
translationspa: embarazada
translationtur: gebe
translationtur: hamile
translationvec: gravia
translationvec: insinta


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