eng: face

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etymological origin ofdan: fjæs
etymological origin ofeng: clubface
etymological origin ofeng: dogface
etymological origin ofeng: dollface
etymological origin ofeng: dorkface
etymological origin ofeng: face-off
etymological origin ofeng: facebook
etymological origin ofeng: faced
etymological origin ofeng: facefirst
etymological origin ofeng: faceguard
etymological origin ofeng: faceless
etymological origin ofeng: facelift
etymological origin ofeng: facelike
etymological origin ofeng: faceplate
etymological origin ofeng: facesitter
etymological origin ofeng: faceup
etymological origin ofeng: midface
etymological origin ofeng: nonface
etymological origin ofeng: reface
etymological origin ofeng: whiteface
etymological origin oftcs: pes
etymological origin oftpi: pes
etymologically relatedeng: façade
etymologically relatedeng: facade
has derived formeng: baby face
has derived formeng: face down
has derived formeng: face facts
has derived formeng: face that would stop a clock
has derived formeng: face the music
has derived formeng: face to face
has derived formeng: face up to
has derived formeng: face up
has derived formeng: face value
has derived formeng: face-off
has derived formeng: face-saving
has derived formeng: face-to-face
has derived formeng: faced
has derived formeng: faceless
has derived formeng: faces
has derived formeng: facing
has derived formeng: fall on one's face
has derived formeng: game face
has derived formeng: in face of
has derived formeng: in one's face
has derived formeng: in the face of
has derived formeng: in your face
has derived formeng: in-your-face
has derived formeng: just another pretty face
has derived formeng: lose face
has derived formeng: pull a face
has derived formeng: put a good face on
has derived formeng: save face
has derived formeng: shit-faced
has derived formeng: stare someone in the face
has derived formeng: suck face
lexical categorynoun
lexical categoryverb
semantically relatedeng: apparate
semantically relatedeng: boatswain
semantically relatedeng: catamaran
semantically relatedeng: chains
semantically relatedeng: font
semantically relatedeng: fount
semantically relatedeng: fountain
semantically relatedeng: holster
semantically relatedeng: installation
semantically relatedeng: materiel
semantically relatedeng: meteorology
semantically relatedeng: narrow
semantically relatedeng: set out
semantically relatedeng: source
semantically relatedeng: typeface
semantically relatedeng: wellspring
synonymeng: cakehole
synonymeng: confront
synonymeng: countenance
synonymeng: deal with
synonymeng: expression
synonymeng: façade
synonymeng: facet
synonymeng: facial expression
synonymeng: gob
synonymeng: hero
synonymeng: image
synonymeng: look
synonymeng: mush
synonymeng: phiz
synonymeng: phizog
synonymeng: piehole
synonymeng: public image
synonymeng: reputation
synonymeng: respect
synonymeng: script
synonymeng: surface
synonymeng: trap
synonymeng: typeface
synonymeng: visage
translationafr: gesig
translationafr: kant
translationafr: voorkant
translationain: ナン
translationang: andwlita
translationara: مظهر
translationara: واجه
translationara: وجه
translationara: وَجْه
translationarz: وش
translationarz: وشّ
translationben: মুখ
translationbul: лик
translationbul: лице
translationbul: образ
translationcat: cara
translationcat: faç
translationcat: faceta
translationcat: gest
translationcat: rictus
translationccc: takano
translationceb: nawung
translationces: čelit
translationces: ciferník
translationces: obličej
translationces: strana
translationces: tvář
translationchr: ᎤᎧᏛᎢ
translationcrh: bet
translationcrh: yüz
translationcym: wyneb
translationdan: ansigt
translationdan: ansigtsudtryk
translationdan: facade
translationdan: flade
translationdan: kæft
translationdan: konfrontere
translationdan: se i øjnene
translationdan: trodse
translationdan: være
translationdan: vende
translationdan: yderside
translationdeu: Facette
translationdeu: Fläche
translationdeu: Gesicht
translationdeu: Gesichtsausdruck
translationdeu: etwas
translationdeu: stellen
translationegy: ḥr
translationell: γκριμάτσα
translationell: εικόνα
translationell: πρόσωπο
translationeng: dignity
translationeng: makeup
translationepo: edro
translationepo: vizaĝo
translationest: nägu
translationeus: aurpegi
translationeus: begitarte
translationeus: imintzio
translationfao: andlit
translationfas: رخ
translationfas: روی
translationfas: رویارویی
translationfas: چهره
translationfin: iho
translationfin: ilme
translationfin: kasvot
translationfin: kellotaulu
translationfin: kohdata
translationfin: naama
translationfin: olla
translationfin: puoli
translationfin: tahko
translationfin: turpa
translationfra: affronter
translationfra: face
translationfra: faire face à
translationfra: figure
translationfra: gueule
translationfra: visage
translationfro: vis
translationfry: gesicht
translationgla: aghaidh
translationgla: aodann
translationgla: gnùis
translationglv: eddin
translationgrn: ova
translationgrn: tova
translationhat: figi
translationhaw: alo
translationhaw: helehelena
translationhaw: maka
translationheb: התעמת
translationheb: פן
translationheb: פנה
translationheb: פנים
translationheb: פרצוף
translationhrv: lice
translationhun: arc
translationhun: kép
translationhun: lap
translationhun: pofa
translationhun: szembenéz
translationhye: դեմք
translationhye: երես
translationhye: նիստ
translationido: edro
translationido: vizajo
translationilo: rupa
translationina: confrontar
translationina: esser
translationina: facer
translationina: facie
translationind: menghadap
translationind: menghadapi
translationind: muka
translationind: rupa
translationind: wajah
translationisl: andlit
translationita: faccia
translationita: viso
translationita: volto
translationjpn: フェイス
translationjpn: 世間体
translationjpn: 体面
translationjpn: 向かう
translationjpn: 直面する
translationjpn: 表情
translationkat: სახე
translationkor: 다루다
translationkor: 얼굴
translationkor: 향하다
translationkur: dêm
translationkur: serçav
translationlao: ໜ້າ
translationlat: faciēs
translationlat: facies
translationlav: seja
translationmal: മുഖം
translationmkd: гримаса
translationmkd: лик
translationmkd: лице
translationmlt: fattizzi
translationmlt: wiċċ
translationnld: aangezicht
translationnld: bakkes
translationnld: de confrontatie aangaan met
translationnld: gelaat
translationnld: gelaatsuitdrukking
translationnld: gezicht
translationnld: mee afrekenen
translationnld: naar
translationnld: onder ogen zien
translationnld: tegemoet gaan
translationnld: zijde
translationnob: kjeft
translationnor: anseelse
translationnor: ansikt
translationnor: fjes
translationnor: flate
translationnor: mine
translationnor: side
translationpjt: mulya
translationpjt: yunpa
translationpol: ściana
translationpol: mina
translationpol: stawić czoła
translationpol: stawiać czoła
translationpol: twarz
translationpor: cara
translationpor: encarar
translationpor: face
translationpor: lado
translationpor: rosto
translationprg: prusna
translationron: îndrepta
translationron: faţă
translationron: poziţiona
translationrup: fatsã
translationrus: выражение лица
translationrus: грань
translationrus: гримаса
translationrus: лицо
translationrus: мина
translationrus: поверхность
translationrus: предстать
translationrus: рожа
translationrus: смело встречать
translationrus: сталкиваться
translationscn: facci
translationslk: Tvár
translationslv: obraz
translationslv: soočiti se s/z
translationsot: sefahleho
translationspa: afrontar
translationspa: cara
translationspa: cariz
translationspa: encarar
translationspa: enfrentar
translationspa: esfera
translationspa: faz
translationspa: frente
translationspa: gesto
translationspa: haz
translationspa: imagen
translationspa: lado
translationspa: mirar a
translationspa: mirar
translationspa: mueca
translationspa: rostro
translationspa: superficie
translationsqi: fytyrë
translationsrd: cara
translationswa: uso
translationswe: anseende
translationswe: ansikte
translationswe: ansiktsuttryck
translationswe: käft
translationswe: min
translationswe: prestige
translationswe: ta itu med
translationswe: uppsyn
translationswe: vända
translationswe: vara
translationswe: yta
translationtel: ముఖము
translationtgl: mukha
translationtur: yüz
translationtzm: ⵓⴷⴻⵎ
translationtzm: audm
translationukr: лице
translationyid: פנים


Word: (case sensitive)
Language: (ISO 639-3 code, e.g. "eng" for English)

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