eng: mood

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antonymeng: good
etymologyang: mod
has derived formeng: declarative mood
has derived formeng: imperative mood
has derived formeng: in the mood
has derived formeng: indicative mood
has derived formeng: mood music
has derived formeng: mood swing
has derived formeng: moods
has derived formeng: moody
has derived formeng: subjunctive mood
lexical categorynoun
semantically relatedeng: gender
semantically relatedeng: imperturbability
semantically relatedeng: number
semantically relatedeng: quiet
synonymeng: atmosphere
synonymeng: aura
synonymeng: composure
synonymeng: frame of mind
synonymeng: grammatical mood
synonymeng: huff
synonymeng: humor
synonymeng: humour
synonymeng: mind
synonymeng: pet
synonymeng: place
synonymeng: spirit
synonymeng: temper
synonymeng: temperament
translationara: حالة
translationara: مزاج
translationbos: modus
translationbos: način
translationbos: neraspoloženje
translationbos: raspoloženje
translationces: nálada
translationces: způsob
translationdeu: Gemüt
translationdeu: Stimmung
translationeng: composure
translationfin: aikeet
translationfin: huono tuuli
translationfin: mielentila
translationfin: mieliala
translationfin: modus
translationfin: tapaluokka
translationfin: tuuli
translationfra: humeur
translationfra: mauvais
translationfra: mode
translationheb: מצב רוח
translationhin: क्रिया का भेद
translationhin: चित्त वृत्ति
translationhin: भाव
translationhin: मन का वेग
translationhin: स्वभाव
translationhun: hangulat
translationisl: háttur
translationita: cattivo
translationita: modo
translationita: umore
translationjpn: 気分
translationkor: 기분
translationmkd: глаголски начин
translationmkd: настроение
translationmkd: начин
translationmkd: нерасположение
translationmkd: нерасположеност
translationmkd: расположение
translationnld: bui
translationnld: gemoedstoestand
translationnld: humeur
translationnld: stemming
translationnld: wijs
translationnob: dårlig
translationnob: humør
translationnor: modus
translationpol: humor
translationpol: nastrój
translationpol: tryb
translationpor: humor
translationrus: дурное
translationrus: наклонение
translationrus: настроение
translationrus: уныние
translationspa: ánimo
translationspa: ánimos
translationspa: humor
translationspa: mal humor
translationspa: modo
translationswe: dåligt humör
translationswe: humör
translationswe: modus
translationswe: stämning
translationtha: หงุดหงิด
translationtha: อารมณ์ดี
translationtha: อารมณ์เสีย
translationtha: อารมณ์ไม่ดี
translationzho: 心情
translationzho: 語氣
translationzho: 语气


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