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etymological origin of | eng: micropattern |
etymological origin of | eng: patternless |
etymological origin of | eng: patternlike |
etymologically related | eng: patron |
etymology | enm: patron |
has derived form | eng: patterned |
has derived form | eng: patterning |
has derived form | eng: patterns |
lexical category | noun |
lexical category | verb |
pronunciation | /ˈˈpætən/ |
pronunciation | /ˈpæɾɚn/ |
semantically related | eng: agitprop |
semantically related | eng: carte de visite |
semantically related | eng: categorize |
semantically related | eng: charter |
semantically related | eng: conscription |
semantically related | eng: contravention |
semantically related | eng: design |
semantically related | eng: drawing |
semantically related | eng: drouth |
semantically related | eng: eikon |
semantically related | eng: everyman |
semantically related | eng: figure |
semantically related | eng: illustration |
semantically related | eng: image |
semantically related | eng: irenicon |
semantically related | eng: legend |
semantically related | eng: machine |
semantically related | eng: map |
semantically related | eng: mark |
semantically related | eng: maturity date |
semantically related | eng: mockery |
semantically related | eng: musical |
semantically related | eng: nautical chart |
semantically related | eng: photo |
semantically related | eng: photograph |
semantically related | eng: picture |
semantically related | eng: plan |
semantically related | eng: portraiture |
semantically related | eng: radiography |
semantically related | eng: rendering |
semantically related | eng: rule |
semantically related | eng: semblance |
semantically related | eng: sketch |
semantically related | eng: storyline |
semantically related | eng: temporal |
synonym | eng: categorize |
synonym | eng: category |
synonym | eng: cycle |
synonym | eng: dynamic |
synonym | eng: model |
synonym | eng: original |
synonym | eng: practice |
synonym | eng: similarity |
synonym | eng: stencil |
synonym | eng: tessellation |
translation | ara: نموذج |
translation | cat: model |
translation | cat: mostra |
translation | cat: patró |
translation | cmn: 样式 |
translation | cmn: 模式 |
translation | cmn: 模样 |
translation | cmn: 模樣 |
translation | cmn: 樣式 |
translation | deu: Dessin |
translation | deu: Modell |
translation | deu: Muster |
translation | deu: Schablone |
translation | deu: Vorlage |
translation | ell: πρότυπο |
translation | ell: υπόδειγμα |
translation | eng: design |
translation | eng: geometric |
translation | fin: aihe |
translation | fin: alkuperäinen |
translation | fin: askelkuvio |
translation | fin: kiertokulku |
translation | fin: kuvio |
translation | fin: originaali |
translation | fin: toimintamalli |
translation | fra: modèle |
translation | hun: minta |
translation | hun: sablon |
translation | jpn: 様式 |
translation | jpn: 模様 |
translation | nld: sjabloon |
translation | nmn: bála |
translation | pol: deseń |
translation | pol: schemat |
translation | pol: wzór |
translation | por: modelo |
translation | por: padrão |
translation | rus: лекало |
translation | rus: модель |
translation | rus: образец |
translation | rus: пример |
translation | rus: рисунок |
translation | rus: схема |
translation | rus: узор |
translation | rus: шаблон |
translation | spa: Patrón |
translation | tha: กระสวน |
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