eng: straight

New Query

antonymeng: curved
antonymeng: homosexual
antonymeng: venal
etymological origin ofeng: straightness
etymologically relatedeng: straight flush
etymologyenm: streght
has derived formeng: straight from the shoulder
has derived formeng: straighten
has derived formeng: straighter
has derived formeng: straightest
has derived formeng: straightly
has derived formeng: straightness
has derived formeng: straights
lexical categoryadjective
lexical categoryadverb
lexical categorynoun
semantically relatedeng: Spain
semantically relatedeng: United States
semantically relatedeng: dagger
semantically relatedeng: dirk
semantically relatedeng: edge
semantically relatedeng: eevn
semantically relatedeng: obelisk
semantically relatedeng: promotion
semantically relatedeng: slash
semantically relatedeng: stilet
semantically relatedeng: w:Francis Grose
synonymeng: hetero
synonymeng: nongay
synonymeng: normal
synonymeng: on the level
synonymeng: square
translationara: مستقيم
translationcat: escala
translationccc: nanatolo
translationces: čistý
translationces: obyčejný
translationces: přímý
translationces: přímo
translationces: postupka
translationces: rovinka
translationcym: uniawn
translationdeu: aufrecht
translationdeu: aufrichtig
translationdeu: gerade
translationdeu: geradeaus
translationdeu: hetero
translationdeu: unverdünnt
translationell: ίσιος
translationell: ευθύς
translationfin: hetero
translationfin: heteroseksuaali
translationfin: järjestyksessä
translationfin: järjestys
translationfin: kunnossa
translationfin: kunto
translationfin: laimentamaton
translationfin: raaka
translationfin: rehellinen
translationfin: suora
translationfin: suoraan
translationfin: vilpitön
translationfra: comme il faut
translationfra: droit
translationfra: droite
translationfra: hétéro
translationfra: ligne droite
translationfra: pur
translationfra: pure
translationfra: quinte
translationfra: rectiligne
translationfra: tout droit
translationgla: dìreach
translationgle: díreach
translationhun: őszinte
translationhun: egyenes
translationhun: heteró
translationhun: sor
translationhye: ազնիվ
translationhye: ուղիղ
translationisl: beinn
translationita: coerente
translationita: convenzionale
translationita: diritto
translationita: dritto
translationita: eterosessuale
translationita: in linea
translationita: liscio
translationita: rettilineo
translationita: retto
translationita: scrauso
translationita: subito
translationjpn: ストレート
translationjpn: ストレートの
translationjpn: ノンケの
translationjpn: 実直な
translationjpn: 直列の
translationjpn: 真っすぐに
translationjpn: 真直ぐな
translationkor: 똑바른
translationmkd: искрен
translationmkd: исправен
translationmkd: отворен
translationmkd: прав
translationmkd: правилен
translationmkd: право
translationmkd: чист
translationnld: pure
translationnld: puur
translationnld: recht
translationnld: rechtdoor
translationnld: rechte
translationnld: zoals het hoort
translationpol: prosty
translationpol: strit
translationpor: direito
translationpor: direto
translationpor: honesto
translationpor: reta
translationpor: reto
translationrus: неразбавленный
translationrus: нормальный
translationrus: правильный
translationrus: прямая
translationrus: прямо
translationrus: прямой
translationrus: стрейт
translationrus: стрит
translationrus: чистый
translationsco: straucht
translationspa: derecho
translationspa: directo
translationspa: franco
translationspa: heterosexual
translationspa: recto
translationswe: rät
translationswe: rätt
translationswe: rak
translationswe: raka
translationswe: raksträcka
translationswe: rakt fram
translationswe: rakt
translationswe: stege
translationtel: తిన్నగా
translationtel: తిన్నని
translationtel: సరళమైన
translationtel: సూటి
translationtel: సూటిగా
translationzho: 直接地
translationzho: 笔直的
variant:orthographyeng: streight


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