eng: way

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etymological origin ofeng: anyway
etymological origin ofeng: areaway
etymological origin ofeng: driveway
etymological origin ofeng: floodway
etymological origin ofeng: gateway
etymological origin ofeng: greenway
etymological origin ofeng: laneway
etymological origin ofeng: skateway
etymological origin ofeng: wayward
etymologyang: weg
has derived formeng: Way of the Cross
has derived formeng: every which way
has derived formeng: give way
has derived formeng: have one's way
has derived formeng: have one's wicked way
has derived formeng: in the way
has derived formeng: no way to treat a lady
has derived formeng: no way
has derived formeng: on the way
has derived formeng: right of way
has derived formeng: runway
has derived formeng: slipway
has derived formeng: taxiway
has derived formeng: way of all flesh
has derived formeng: way of the world / ways of the world
has derived formeng: waybill
has derived formeng: ways
lexical categoryadverb
lexical categorynoun
semantically relatedeng: access
semantically relatedeng: act
semantically relatedeng: atavism
semantically relatedeng: base communications
semantically relatedeng: bureau
semantically relatedeng: cerebrovascular accident
semantically relatedeng: custom
semantically relatedeng: dealing
semantically relatedeng: deed
semantically relatedeng: descriptive statistics
semantically relatedeng: dint
semantically relatedeng: diplomatic mission
semantically relatedeng: doing
semantically relatedeng: effort
semantically relatedeng: employment
semantically relatedeng: entrance
semantically relatedeng: execute
semantically relatedeng: exploit
semantically relatedeng: feat
semantically relatedeng: habit
semantically relatedeng: ictus
semantically relatedeng: jazz
semantically relatedeng: jive
semantically relatedeng: law
semantically relatedeng: logistics
semantically relatedeng: manner
semantically relatedeng: means
semantically relatedeng: medical prescription
semantically relatedeng: practice
semantically relatedeng: praxis
semantically relatedeng: rite
semantically relatedeng: royalism
semantically relatedeng: sagacity
semantically relatedeng: sense
semantically relatedeng: stitching
semantically relatedeng: ton
semantically relatedeng: transaction
semantically relatedeng: usage
semantically relatedeng: use
semantically relatedeng: w:Algernon Swinburne
semantically relatedeng: wear
semantically relatedeng: wont
synonymeng: make
synonymeng: practice
synonymeng: stepping stone
synonymeng: track
translationang: ƿeg
translationara: طريق
translationara: طريقة
translationbre: hent
translationcat: camí
translationcat: manera
translationcat: mitjà
translationcat: via
translationces: cesta
translationces: způsob
translationdeu: Art und Weise
translationdeu: Art
translationdeu: Beziehung
translationdeu: Gelegenheit
translationdeu: Kurs
translationdeu: Methode
translationdeu: Strecke
translationdeu: Weg
translationdeu: Wegstrecke
translationdeu: Weise
translationdeu: Zustand
translationdeu: sehr
translationell: δρόμος
translationeng: much
translationeng: very
translationepo: vojo
translationeus: bide
translationfin: keino
translationfin: tie
translationfra: chemin
translationfra: façon
translationfra: manière
translationfra: voie
translationfry: wei
translationgla: dòigh
translationgla: slighe
translationglg: vía
translationgrn: tape
translationhat: fason
translationhaw: ala
translationhin: बाट
translationhrv: put
translationhun: út
translationhun: mód
translationhye: եղանակ
translationhye: կերպ
translationhye: ճանապարհ
translationhye: ուղի
translationido: voyo
translationina: assatis
translationina: cammino
translationina: maniera
translationina: medio
translationina: modo
translationina: multo
translationina: via
translationind: jalan
translationisl: vegur
translationita: maniera
translationita: via
translationjpn: 方法
translationkor: 방법
translationkur: جۆر
translationlat: via
translationmri: ara
translationnld: heel
translationnld: manier
translationnld: weg
translationnld: zeer
translationnor: måte
translationpol: droga
translationpol: sposób
translationpor: assaz
translationpor: bastante
translationpor: caminho
translationpor: forma
translationpor: jeito
translationpor: maneira
translationpor: meio
translationpor: modo
translationpor: muito
translationpor: via
translationpus: لار
translationrus: очень
translationrus: путь
translationrus: способ
translationsco: wey
translationslk: spôsob
translationslv: pot
translationspa: camino
translationspa: dirección
translationspa: distancia
translationspa: manera
translationspa: medios
translationspa: modo
translationspa: muy
translationspa: vía
translationsqi: rrugë
translationswa: mamna
translationswe: chans
translationswe: gata
translationswe: möjlighet
translationswe: mycket
translationswe: sätt
translationswe: väg
translationswe: vis
translationtel: చాలా
translationtel: దారి
translationtel: పద్ధతి
translationtel: మార్గము
translationtur: yol
translationzho: 方法
variant:orthographyeng: waye


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