eng: word

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antonymeng: non-word
etymological origin ofeng: frankenword
etymological origin ofeng: guideword
etymological origin ofeng: loanword
etymological origin ofeng: misword
etymological origin ofeng: multiword
etymological origin ofeng: polyword
etymological origin ofeng: safeword
etymological origin ofeng: stopword
etymological origin ofeng: wordhood
etymological origin ofeng: wordie
etymological origin ofeng: wordless
etymological origin ofeng: wordlike
etymological origin ofeng: wordness
etymological origin ofeng: wordsmith
has derived formeng: buzzword
has derived formeng: catchword
has derived formeng: codeword
has derived formeng: content word
has derived formeng: crossword
has derived formeng: dirty word
has derived formeng: dword
has derived formeng: empty word
has derived formeng: fighting word
has derived formeng: foreword
has derived formeng: function word
has derived formeng: hard word
has derived formeng: headword
has derived formeng: in so many words
has derived formeng: keyword
has derived formeng: last word
has derived formeng: mince words
has derived formeng: nonce word
has derived formeng: oword
has derived formeng: password
has derived formeng: qword
has derived formeng: reword
has derived formeng: stopword
has derived formeng: swear word
has derived formeng: watchword
has derived formeng: word for word
has derived formeng: word game
has derived formeng: word of god
has derived formeng: word of mouth
has derived formeng: word order
has derived formeng: word processor
has derived formeng: word square
has derived formeng: word to the wise
has derived formeng: word up
has derived formeng: word wrap
has derived formeng: word-building
has derived formeng: word-wheeling
has derived formeng: worded
has derived formeng: wording
has derived formeng: wordless
has derived formeng: wordplay
has derived formeng: wordpool
has derived formeng: words
has derived formeng: wordsmith
has derived formeng: wordy
lexical categoryinterjection
lexical categorynoun
lexical categoryverb
semantically relatedeng: abet
semantically relatedeng: acceptancy
semantically relatedeng: acceptation
semantically relatedeng: back
semantically relatedeng: chatter
semantically relatedeng: confirm
semantically relatedeng: countersign
semantically relatedeng: course
semantically relatedeng: credence
semantically relatedeng: danger
semantically relatedeng: distinctive
semantically relatedeng: endorse
semantically relatedeng: engagement
semantically relatedeng: ensure
semantically relatedeng: face value
semantically relatedeng: lecture
semantically relatedeng: measure
semantically relatedeng: palaver
semantically relatedeng: par value
semantically relatedeng: parole
semantically relatedeng: password
semantically relatedeng: production
semantically relatedeng: prove
semantically relatedeng: second
semantically relatedeng: sign
semantically relatedeng: speaking
semantically relatedeng: standard
semantically relatedeng: strengthen
semantically relatedeng: talk
semantically relatedeng: touchstone
semantically relatedeng: utterance
semantically relatedeng: w:Plato
semantically relatedeng: w:Preamble to the United States Constitution
semantically relatedeng: watchword
synonymeng: Bible
synonymeng: God
synonymeng: Logos
synonymeng: couch
synonymeng: express
synonymeng: language
synonymeng: phrase
synonymeng: promise
synonymeng: put into words
synonymeng: state
synonymeng: verbivore
synonymeng: vocable
synonymeng: word of God
synonymeng: word up
translationafr: erewoord
translationafr: woord
translationara: كلمة
translationara: كَلِمة
translationarz: كلمة
translationbel: слова
translationben: শব্দ
translationbre: ger
translationbul: дума
translationcat: mot
translationcat: paraula
translationccc: nachale
translationces: slib
translationces: slovo boží
translationces: slovo
translationche: дош
translationcmn: 单词
translationcmn: 單詞
translationcym: gair
translationdan: ord
translationdeu: Ehrenwort
translationdeu: Wort
translationdsb: słowo
translationell: διατυπώνω
translationell: λέξη
translationell: λόγος
translationell: συντάσσω
translationeng: God
translationeng: news
translationeng: tidings
translationeng: w:Israel Zangwill
translationepo: vorto
translationest: sõna
translationeus: berba
translationeus: hitz
translationfao: orð
translationfas: قول
translationfas: واژه
translationfas: پیمان
translationfas: کلمه
translationfas: گفتار
translationfin: sana
translationfra: mot
translationfra: parole
translationfra: verbe
translationfry: wurd
translationgla: briathar
translationgla: facal
translationgle: focal
translationglg: palabra
translationglg: vocábulo
translationhaw: hua
translationheb: מִלָּה
translationheb: מלה
translationheb: מלתא
translationhin: बात
translationhin: शब्द
translationhrv: riječ
translationhun: szó
translationhye: բան
translationhye: բառ
translationhye: խոստում
translationhye: խոսք
translationido: vorto
translationina: parola
translationina: verbo
translationina: vocabulo
translationind: kata
translationisl: orð
translationita: parola
translationita: termine
translationita: verbo
translationita: vocabolo
translationita: word
translationjpn: 単語
translationjpn: 福音
translationjpn: 言葉
translationjpn: 言語
translationjpn: 言質
translationkal: oqaaseq
translationkat: სიტყვა
translationkhm: ពាក្យ
translationkhm: ពាក្យសំដី
translationkor: 낱말
translationkor: 단어
translationkor: 말씀
translationlad: palavra
translationlao: ຄໍາ
translationlat: verbum
translationlat: vocabulum
translationlav: vārds
translationlit: žodis
translationmal: വാക്ക്
translationmar: शब्द
translationmkd: божја реч
translationmkd: збор
translationmkd: изразува
translationmkd: формулира
translationmlt: kelma
translationmyv: вал
translationnau: dorer
translationnav: saad
translationnld: erewoord
translationnld: onder woorden brengen
translationnld: verwoorden
translationnld: woord
translationnon: orð
translationnor: lovnad
translationnor: ord
translationpol: słowo boże
translationpol: słowo
translationpor: palavra
translationpor: verbo
translationpor: vocábulo
translationron: cuvânt
translationrup: zbor
translationrus: слово
translationrus: формулировать
translationsan: शब्द
translationsat: ᱨᱳᱲ
translationslk: čestné slovo
translationslk: božie slovo
translationslk: slovo božie
translationslk: slovo
translationslv: častna beseda
translationslv: beseda
translationsot: lentswe
translationspa: palabra
translationspa: redactar
translationsqi: fjalë
translationsqi: llaf
translationsqi: sharje
translationsrp: реч
translationsrp: reč
translationswa: neno
translationswe: ord
translationsyc: ܡܠܬܐ
translationtam: சொல்
translationtam: வார்த்தை
translationtel: పదము
translationtel: మాట
translationtel: వాణి
translationtgk: калима
translationtgl: salita
translationtha: คำ
translationtsn: lefoko
translationtur: kelime
translationtur: sözcük
translationukr: слово
translationurd: بات
translationurd: شبد
translationvie: lời
translationvie: nhời
translationvie: những lời
translationvie: từ
translationvie: tiếng
translationyid: װאָרט


Word: (case sensitive)
Language: (ISO 639-3 code, e.g. "eng" for English)

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